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Becoming a web developer can be as challenging as working out every day.


It’s important to know what it will take to succeed as a web developer.


Here are 6 things to consider for aspiring web developers:


1 –正确的态度和信念 (1 – The Right Attitude and Belief)

The first hurdle to get through is yourself.


Let me explain:


Why is it that some people in difficult situations manage to succeed and those who have ‘perfect’ upbringings sometimes end up in positions that don’t make sense at all?


You don't want to become a web developer.


You want to become a successful web developer.

您想成为一名成功的 Web开发人员。

(sounds cheesy, but it's true).


The next step after aligning your attitude to becoming a web developer is BELIEVING that you are one.


You may be thinking, “but I don’t know enough to be called a web developer” or “but how can I be a web developer if I haven’t even started yet?”


These are valid questions… and I’m not saying you should lie about being a web developer or that you should take on work far beyond what you are able to do at this moment.


What I am saying is that you need to “trick” your brain and boost your confidence in BELIEVING that you are a web developer rather than second guessing it. Try it and I can assure you that this method is far better than doubting the fact.

我的意思是,您需要“欺骗”您的大脑,增强对相信自己是Web开发人员的信心,而不是第二次猜测。 尝试一下,我可以向您保证,此方法比怀疑事实要好得多。

If someone asks you, “so what do you do?” tell them without any doubts, “I’m a web developer/freelancer.”

如果有人问你,“那你怎么办?” 毫无疑问地告诉他们:“我是一名Web开发人员/自由职业者。”

This may lead nowhere, but you’d be surprised how many people will be very interested in the fact that you are a web developer/freelancer. Almost as if you pulled some Star Wars Jedi mind trick on them.

这可能无济于事,但是您会惊讶地发现,有多少人会对您是Web开发人员/自由职业者感到非常感兴趣。 几乎就像您在他们身上拉出了《星球大战》绝地秘诀。

Whether you’d like to become a web developer or freelancer, your mind-set and attitude is crucial to your success.


2 –决心与纪律 (2 – Determination and Discipline)

Failure and doubt are inevitable. The question is how you will deal with it when it happens.

失败和怀疑是不可避免的。 问题是当它发生时您将如何处理它。

You need to be determined, motivated and driven to really be successful at web development. There are many aspiring web developers out there. Not all of them will be determined and driven and motivated.

您需要有决心,有动力和动力,才能真正成功地进行Web开发。 有很多有抱负的Web开发人员。 不是所有的人都会被决心,驱动和激励。

Not all of them will be disciplined in learning web development. That might not sound right, but it is true. We are all busy with other things and you may even have a full-time job while you learn web development (that’s in fact how I started).

并非所有人都将在学习Web开发方面受到约束。 听起来可能不对,但这是事实。 我们都忙于其他事情,在学习Web开发时,您甚至可能会做一份全职工作(实际上就是我的开始方式)。

The hard part is not starting… it’s whether you keep going. You need to be disciplined in learning.

困难的部分不是开始……这是您是否继续前进 。 您需要在学习中受到约束。

Set a schedule and stick to it.


I used to work from 8am-6pm, come home to my wife and be exhausted, eat, relax for a bit, and then start learning to code from 8pm to 1am/2am for a few months. That was very challenging for me, but I needed to be highly focused and it worked out well because of that discipline.

我以前是从早上8点到下午6点工作,然后回到我的妻子那里,精疲力尽,吃饭,放松一下,然后开始学习从8pm到1 am/2am的编码。 这对我来说是非常具有挑战性的,但是我需要高度专注,并且由于这种纪律,效果很好。

Maybe you have children or other important priorities, but don’t make excuses. If it’s important to you, you will make a plan to learn and you will force yourself to be disciplined.

也许您有孩子或其他重要优先事项,但不要找借口。 如果对您很重要,您将制定学习计划,并强迫自己受到训练。

3 –固执/坚持 (3 – Stubbornness/Persistence)

You may be thinking, “why stubbornness?”


It’s good to be stubborn or persistent as you learn.


What I mean by that is if you have an error in your code or if it is not coming out how you’d planned and thought (which happens more often than you might think,) don’t just move on if you can’t find the solution and don’t cut any corners. Be stubborn and figure it out.

我的意思是,如果您的代码中有错误,或者错误没有如您所计划和考虑的那样发生(发生的频率比您想象的要多,),如果您做不到就不要继续前进找到解决方案,不要走捷径。 固执己见。

Although it may take you longer to figure out, what you learn by being stubborn in this regard is that your knowledge will remain with you and you will be more efficient and effective in your future projects because of this.


4 –优先排序 (4 – Prioritising)

If you want to do something great, it comes with sacrifice. This is challenging to accept for most people.

如果您想做一件伟大的事情,那就是牺牲。 对于大多数人来说,这是一个挑战。

If you want to be a great programmer or freelancer and you are complaining that you don’t have time, then just look at your daily/weekly/monthly routine to see what you can remove to free up more time so that you can learn more, develop your skills and apply what you know.


One of the biggest distractions I’ve eliminated in my life is watching TV. It was hard to do at first, but even if I got given a free TV the size of my wall, with free unlimited movies and series, I wouldn’t even be interested now.

我一生中消除的最大干扰之一就是看电视。 一开始很难做到,但是即使我得到了像墙一样大的免费电视,免费的无限制电影和​​连续剧,现在我什至不感兴趣。

I’m not the only strange one out there who does this. Seth Godin, one of the greatest marketers and thought leaders of our time is also a big advocate for not wasting time watching TV.

我不是唯一一个这样做的陌生人。 塞思·戈丁(Seth Godin)是当今时代最伟大的营销商和思想领袖之一,也是不浪费时间看电视的坚定倡导者。

Whether you are a student, a full time employee, a husband/wife/father/mother, you need to know how to prioritise.


Every single day there is around 140,000 websites added to the internet. Imagine… that’s almost 2 websites EVERY SECOND!

每天大约有140,000个网站添加到Internet。 想象一下……几乎每个秒都有2个网站!

So if you are interested in creating a website for your own business, it will be good to start asap!


Do what you need to do, don’t neglect your family, cut out the TV, cut out distractions and learn how to code – after all, that is your goal so be serious about it and work towards it.


5-技巧 (5 - The Skills)

You can’t become an accountant without understanding accountancy. The same principle applies for web development.

如果您不了解会计,就无法成为会计师。 相同的原则适用于Web开发。

In order to be a web developer, you need to know what web development is, how it works, the programming languages and their importance, what to learn, communication skills, problem solving, innovation and more.


It’s important that you know how to learn effectively. To read more into this, I’ve broken down the programming languages in my free .

知道如何有效学习很重要。 要了解更多信息,我已经在免费细分了编程语言。

6 –您的目标 (6 – Your Goals)

You need to define your goals.


WHY do you want to be a web developer/freelancer?


Would you like to learn web development and apply for work and be an employee?


Would you like to be a freelance web developer and work for yourself?


When you create a website, what is your deadline?


Once you have your goals, make sure you are driven by it and focus on working towards achieving them. Don’t be like most people and set goals that fade away after a few months…

一旦有了目标,请确保您有目标,并专注于实现目标。 不要像大多数人那样,并设定目标在几个月后消失。

How to set your goals in 5 simple steps:


Be S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound)Specific: To become a freelance web developerTime Bound: 12 monthsMeasurable: I will measure my progress every month and set defined goals to reach my specific goal.Attainable: Challenging, but yes.Realistic: Definitely.

精明(特定,可衡量,可实现,切合实际,有时限) 特定 :成为一名自由职业的Web开发人员时限 :12个月可衡量的 :我将每月衡量我的进度并设定明确的目标以实现我的特定目标。 可以达到 :具有挑战性,但是可以。 现实 :绝对是。

Once your main goal has been set, break down the 12 months into medium-term goals, in this case it would be:


*Don’t worry if these terms are a bit technical for you, I explain more in my .


In 3 months, I want to know Frontend Web DevelopmentIn 6 months, I want to know Backend Web DevelopmentIn 9 months, I want to start working on my portfolio website, build my brand, improve on my business knowledge and perfect my web development skills.By 12 months, I want a portfolio of 5 websites, I want to be a full-stack web developer and I want to know the fundamentals of freelancing and gaining clients.


Once I have my medium-term goals, I break it up into my monthly goals:


Frontend Web DevelopmentMonth 1 – Learn HTML & CSSMonth 2 – Learn JavaScriptMonth 3 – Create website using HTML, CSS & JavaScriptBackend Web DevelopmentMonth 4 – Learn PHPMonth 5 – Learn more advanced PHPMonth 6 – Make a functional, dynamic website with HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHPPortfolio, Personal Brand, Business Knowledge, Web Development KnowledgeMonth 7 – Create a personal portfolio website, social media profiles and build a personal brandMonth 8 – Reach out to businesses & organisations to create websites for themMonth 9 – Improve portfolio, web development skills and personal brandPortfolio of 5 Websites, Full-Stack Web Developer, Freelance Fundamentals, ClientsMonth 10 – Must have a minimum of 5 websites on portfolioMonth 11 – Learn freelance fundamentals and business essentialsMonth 12 – Reach out to prospective clients, promote your work and get clients

前端Web开发第 1个月–学习HTML和CSS第2个月–学习JavaScript第3个月–使用HTML,CSS和JavaScript创建网站后端Web开发第 4个月–学习PHP第5个月–了解更多高级PHPMonth 6 –用HTML,CSS创建功能强大的动态网站,JavaScript和PHP产品组合,个人品牌,业务知识,Web开发知识第 7个月-创建个人投资组合网站,社交媒体资料并建立个人品牌。第8个月-与企业和组织联系,为他们创建网站第9个月-改进投资组合,网站开发技能和个人品牌5个网站,全栈Web开发人员,自由职业者的基本知识,客户的投资组合第10个月–投资组合中必须至少有5个网站第11个月–学习自由职业者的基本知识和业务要素第12个月–接触潜在客户,促进发展您的工作并获得客户

Now that you have your monthly goals, break it down into daily goals:


You don’t need to study full-time to make this goal a reality – this would help for sure, but if you are working and you can only study part-time that is also fine. If you can dedicate 3-4 hours every night to this schedule, I fully believe that you can accomplish this goal if you are dedicated, disciplined and motivated enough.

您无需全职学习即可实现此目标-这肯定会有所帮助,但是如果您正在工作并且只能学习兼职,那也很好。 如果您每天晚上可以将3-4个小时用于该计划,那么我完全相信,只要您有足够的奉献精神,纪律和动力,就可以实现此目标。

This is just a very short example and a simplified guideline, and it is not intended to be a comprehensive goal-breakdown, I just want to illustrate how it could be done. The programming languages mentioned above are just examples too.

这只是一个非常简短的示例,并且是一个简化的指南,并且无意成为全面的目标分解,我只想说明如何实现。 上面提到的编程语言也只是示例。

Write out your goals, print it out and stick to it.


One of THE MOST important aspects of achieving your goal is:



If you are accountable to someone and you have weekly/monthly calls to discuss the progress and he/she holds you accountable and motivates you when you feel like giving up or have any doubts, it will push you through and help you stay focused. The more honest and ‘hard-core’ your accountability partner is; the better!

如果您对某人负责,并且您每周/每月有电话讨论进展情况,并且他/她要求您负责并在您想放弃或有任何疑问时激励您,那么它将推动您并帮助您保持专注。 您的问责制合作伙伴更诚实,更“坚决”; 更好!

I had an accountability partner when I started freelancing, and it was crucial in playing a major part in my freelancing success today.


Last, but not least… TAKE ACTION, adapt and stop making excuses.

最后,但并非最不重要…… 采取行动 适应并停止找借口。

Until next time,






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